Zabrałem się do tworzenia sqli które pomogły by mi znaleźć błąd.
Tuż przed tym wydałem jeszcze raz zapytania o ilość wierszy.
Ku mojemu zdziwieniu pg zdołał je tym razem policzyć, liczy je za każdym razem.
Nie zmieniłem żadnych ustawień.
Wygląda to teraz tak:
zabbix=> select count(itemid) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> select count(itemid) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> select count(clock) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> select count(num) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> select count(value_min) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> select count(value_avg) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> select count(value_max) from trends_uint;
(1 row)
zabbix=> SELECT relname, n_tup_ins - n_tup_del as rowcount FROM pg_stat_all_tables;
relname | rowcount
maintenances_groups | 0
pg_toast_4131296 | 0
usrgrp | 0
sql_parts | 0
pg_toast_4132252 | 0
ids | 0
pg_language | 0
opmessage_grp | 0
hosts_groups | 0
history | 71608
pg_toast_4131435 | 0
pg_toast_12394 | 0
sysmaps | 0
httptestitem | 0
pg_attrdef | 0
images | 0
opconditions | 0
pg_default_acl | 0
history_log | 10
pgbench_accounts | 0
service_alarms | 0
history_uint_sync | 0
pg_toast_12389 | 0
dhosts | 0
pg_attribute | 0
pg_statistic | 0
services_links | 0
users | 0
trends_uint | 6078
pg_toast_2618 | 0
pg_toast_3596 | 0
auditlog_details | 1
pg_depend | 0
pg_toast_4132043 | 0
pg_toast_4132163 | 0
pg_toast_4132059 | 0
pgbench_branches | 0
autoreg_host | 0
graphs_items | 0
opcommand_grp | 0
pg_toast_4131906 | 0
sql_implementation_info | 0
pg_type | 0
sql_features | 0
pg_toast_4131414 | 0
slideshows | 0
pg_foreign_data_wrapper | 0
trigger_discovery | 0
maintenances_windows | 0
valuemaps | 0
pgbench_history | 0
events | -396
items_applications | 0
pg_shdescription | 0
pg_tablespace | 0
opcommand_hst | 0
httpstep | 0
pg_toast_4131342 | 0
pg_toast_4131365 | 0
pg_toast_4132027 | 0
pg_toast_2964 | 0
auditlog | 1
pg_amproc | 0
pg_collation | 0
pg_constraint | 0
media | 0
pg_largeobject | 0
hosts | 0
pg_namespace | 0
expressions | 0
maintenances_hosts | 0
pg_toast_4132286 | 0
icon_mapping | 0
sql_sizing | 0
pg_toast_2396 | 0
httptest | 0
history_text | -2574
sysmaps_links | 0
pg_toast_12379 | 0
pg_seclabel | 0
pg_toast_2609 | 0
sysmaps_elements | 0
pg_toast_1255 | 0
pg_toast_4131939 | 0
proxy_history | 0
user_history | 0
pg_rewrite | 0
pg_ts_config | 0
pg_extension | 0
pg_cast | 0
interface | 0
item_discovery | 0
pg_toast_4131312 | 0
proxy_autoreg_host | 0
opcommand | 0
opmessage | 0
sql_sizing_profiles | 0
pg_toast_12404 | 0
pg_auth_members | 0
pg_operator | 0
nodes | 0
profiles | 0
pg_aggregate | 0
pg_pltemplate | 0
pg_toast_12399 | 0
graph_discovery | 0
housekeeper | 0
pg_toast_4131446 | 0
opgroup | 0
node_cksum | 0
graph_theme | 0
hosts_templates | 0
pg_description | 0
httpstepitem | 0
pg_toast_4131803 | 0
pg_toast_4131977 | 0
pgbench_tellers | 0
pg_ts_parser | 0
pg_foreign_table | 0
proxy_dhistory | 0
items | 0
icon_map | 0
mappings | 0
trigger_depends | 0
pg_ts_template | 0
pg_foreign_server | 0
pg_toast_4131769 | 0
functions | 0
pg_toast_1262 | 0
users_groups | 0
pg_toast_4132155 | 0
pg_toast_4131568 | 0
sessions | 0
screens_items | 0
dchecks | 0
groups | 0
help_items | 0
media_type | 0
actions | 0
slides | 0
pg_opclass | 0
pg_proc | 0
pg_toast_4131874 | 0
hostmacro | 0
pg_trigger | 0
pg_toast_4131603 | 367
conditions | 0
pg_am | 0
pg_largeobject_metadata | 0
pg_ts_config_map | 0
pg_toast_4131752 | 0
pg_toast_4131708 | 0
pg_toast_4131922 | 0
pg_toast_4132270 | 0
graphs | 0
pg_shdepend | 0
history_uint | 150931
pg_conversion | 0
pg_opfamily | 0
trends | 13530
config | 0
sql_languages | 0
regexps | 0
pg_toast_4131827 | 0
globalvars | 0
pg_inherits | 0
pg_toast_2606 | 0
triggers | 0
pg_database | 0
host_inventory | 0
pg_toast_2620 | 0
alerts | -292
optemplate | 0
operations | 0
dservices | 0
sysmaps_link_triggers | 0
pg_toast_12384 | 0
sysmap_url | 0
applications | 0
history_str | 1205
pg_toast_4131626 | 0
drules | 0
pg_user_mapping | 0
pg_toast_4132148 | 0
scripts | 0
services_times | 0
sysmap_element_url | 0
globalmacro | 0
pg_authid | 0
pg_index | 0
pg_ts_dict | 0
acknowledges | 0
escalations | -6
timeperiods | 0
pg_class | 0
sql_packages | 0
maintenances | 0
screens | 0
services | 0
pg_enum | 0
pg_db_role_setting | 0
opmessage_usr | 0
rights | 0
pg_toast_4131553 | 0
pg_toast_4132094 | 0
history_sync | 0
pg_toast_12409 | 0
pg_amop | 0
pg_toast_2619 | -1
history_str_sync | 0
pg_toast_2604 | 0
(211 rows)
Nie wiem tylko dlaczego w drugim zapytaniu są inaczej liczone wiersze.
W logu postgresa wciąż widać:
2013-11-25 09:03:04.468 CET postgres 00000LOG: duration: 461639.997 ms statement: COPY public.history_uint (itemid, clock, value, ns) TO stdout;
2013-11-25 09:03:26.892 CET postgres 00000LOG: duration: 22181.789 ms statement: COPY public.trends (itemid, clock, num, value_min, value_avg, value_max) TO stdout;
2013-11-25 09:03:29.723 CET postgres XX000ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 18446744073709551610
2013-11-25 09:03:29.723 CET postgres XX000STATEMENT: COPY public.trends_uint (itemid, clock, num, value_min, value_avg, value_max) TO stdout;
----- EDIT -----
Próbowałem zrobić vaccum full tej tabeli, dostaję ciekawy komunikat.
INFO: vacuuming "public.trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
WARNING: concurrent delete in progress within table "trends_uint"
ERROR: row is too big: size 33747856, maximum size 8160
ERROR: row is too big: size 33747856, maximum size 8160
Czy wiesz jak określić row_size?
Łatwiej było by mi znaleźć ten konkretny row.
Albo może masz jakiś inny pomysł na zalezienie tego wiersza?
Ostatnio edytowany przez pietro54 (2013-11-25 11:43:28)